
IT Managed Services for Legal Services

Stars-support excels in implementing and optimizing the latest technology systems for clients in the legal field in the Greater Nashville area. Our technology solutions reduce down time due to technology issues, while ensuring the sensitive information you control is secure.

IT Solutions to Mitigate Downtime

As nearly all legal professionals bill by the hour, the saying ‘time is money’ could not be more true in the legal field. Unfortunately, the reality is that workers lose 22 minutes per day on average–over 2 weeks per year–due to issues with technology. This means that “average” technology means a significant loss of potential earnings for legal professionals.

At Stars-support, we excel in implementing and optimizing the latest technology systems for the legal field. Our technology solutions reduce down time due to technology issues, while ensuring the sensitive information you control is secure.

IT Solutions for a Competitive Advantage

IT Solutions for a Competitive Advantage

Stars-support not only optimizes practices in the legal field, we help our legal clients think though ways that new technology can make them competitive and give them an edge over other legal competitors.

Some of our Legal IT Solutions Include:

  • Support for practice management software
  • Support for document management software
  • Software vendor management
  • Security and encryption
  • Secure storage solutions
  • Secure Email solutions

Schedule a Free Consultation

We’re excited to talk with you about how Stars-Support can meet your legal IT needs. Click the button below to schedule a free consultation!


Legal accuracy

Legal accuracy

All solutions integrate the relevant skills of the firm not just in the design phase, but also throughout delivery, ensuring that appropriately experienced lawyers actually perform more complex or exception type work while overseeing (but critically not doing) more standardised work. This, combined with rigorous quality control protocols, ensures that the highest levels of legal accuracy are maintained.



Solutions are designed to ensure that clients receive the highest levels of responsiveness, without relying on individual lawyer availability. This is achieved through cross cover staffing combined with engagement specific automation and workflow technology which supports faster, more accurate work and more accurate status reporting where work needs to be transitioned between individuals or teams.



Transparency is a cornerstone of our solutions and ensures that clients are able to access granular, real time information of the status of individual matters. While specific dashboards are tailored to individual engagements, we use a standard technology backbone to ensure the underlying database is robust and reliable.



A key tenet of our approach is to ensure efficiency is built into our solutions, and we specifically seek to identify areas where we can improve it without impacting levels of service. This is achieved through a combination of task appropriate resourcing, realistic use of technology and a continuous improvement methodology which emphasises the identification and reduction of unnecessary activity cycles (e.g. excessive rounds of negotiation).

Data availability

Data availability

Increasingly, our clients require specific legal data to be available on completion and even during the performance of legal work. We facilitate this through a combination of leading AI driven data extraction technology and structured human review, with the exact approach being engagement specific.

Top benefits of our Managed IT Services for Law Firms

Our legal IT managed services offer a comprehensive suite of tools to help modern law firms stay ahead of the competition. Here are the top 5 benefits our clients enjoy:

  • Work securely from anywhere, at any time with our virtual desktop infrastructure. Say goodbye to the limitations of traditional IT setups and enjoy the freedom to work remotely without compromising security.
  • Maximise the use of Microsoft 365 to boost productivity and security. Our IT specialists can help you leverage the full capabilities of Microsoft 365 to streamline communication, collaboration and document management, all while ensuring the highest levels of security.
  • Specialist IT support from legal industry experts. With our support team on your side, you can ensure your legal professionals receive prompt and effective IT support whilst your IT infrastructure stays up-to-date and secure. 
  • Protect your firm from cyber threats with our advanced security features. Our IT managed services can help you minimise the risk of cyber-attacks and data breaches whilst complying with the SRAs cyber security obligations.
  • Scale your IT infrastructure to meet the needs of your growing firm. Our flexible IT solutions are designed to grow with your business, so you can stay ahead of the curve and focus on what really matters - your clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Stars-Support offers a comprehensive suite of IT-managed services tailored for the legal sector. These services include support for practice management and document management software, which are crucial for daily operations. Additionally, we manage software vendors, provide advanced security and encryption, and offer solutions for secure storage and email communications. These offerings are designed to minimise downtime and ensure the security of sensitive information.

Legal professionals often experience a loss of productivity due to inefficient technology, averaging 22 minutes per day. Stars-Support addresses this issue by optimising technology systems to significantly reduce downtime. This enhancement can save over two weeks per year, translating directly into increased billable hours and earnings for legal professionals, making our IT solutions a critical investment for boosting profitability.

By leveraging the latest technology systems and software optimisations, Stars-Support helps legal firms not only maintain but also enhance their competitive edge. Our IT solutions enable firms to operate more efficiently and securely, which is vital in retaining and attracting clients. Additionally, we assist in exploring new technologies that can further differentiate our clients from their competitors, offering them unique advantages in the marketplace.

At Stars-Support, we prioritise the security of our client’s sensitive data through several robust measures. This includes advanced encryption techniques, secure storage solutions that prevent unauthorised access, and secure email systems that ensure data integrity and confidentiality. Each of these solutions is tailored to comply with legal industry standards and client-specific security requirements.

Legal firms interested in enhancing their IT infrastructure can schedule a free consultation with Stars-Support by visiting our website and clicking the 'Schedule a Free Consultation' button. During the consultation, we discuss specific IT challenges and explore tailored solutions that can meet the firm's unique needs. This initial meeting is an opportunity for legal firms to understand how our services can align with their strategic objectives.

Absolutely. Stars-Support recognises the need for mobility in the modern legal field. We provide mobile-first systems and app development services that ensure legal professionals have reliable and secure access to necessary resources, no matter where they are. This includes mobile-optimized practice management systems and secure mobile communication tools, which allow lawyers to manage their cases and client interactions seamlessly from any location.

Data entry services and cloud computing are integral to our IT solutions, offering legal firms efficient ways to handle large volumes of data with ease and security. Cloud computing, in particular, provides scalable resources that legal firms can use to store, manage, and analyse data without the heavy investment in physical infrastructure. This technology facilitates better data management and accessibility, enhancing overall operational efficiency.

Stars-Support employs a proactive approach to IT management, which includes regular system health checks and the implementation of agile software development practices. This approach ensures that the IT systems we manage remain efficient, up-to-date, and capable of adapting to the ever-changing technology landscape. Continuous monitoring and updates prevent potential issues before they impact productivity, thereby maintaining optimal system performance.

To ensure that legal professionals can fully leverage the technologies we implement, Stars-Support provides comprehensive training and ongoing support services. Training sessions are customized to the specific needs of each firm and are designed to enhance user competence and confidence. Additionally, our dedicated support team is available to assist with any technical issues, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations.

Recognising the diversity within the legal industry, Stars-Support offers specialised IT solutions that cater to different legal fields, such as corporate law, family law, and litigation. We conduct thorough assessments of each firm’s specific requirements to ensure that our IT solutions enhance their particular type of practice. This tailored approach helps us address unique challenges and meet the exact needs of our clients across various legal disciplines.